Windy City Rooter
We Drain Your Pipes, Not Your Wallet®
Chicago & Suburbs
Milwaukee/S. WI

10 Items You Shouldn’t Try to Put Down Your Drains in Chicagoland

It’s tempting to dump household wastes down the drain. Sure, it would be so easy to just pour that used motor oil down the sink. But, in the end, the convenience will cost you. Discarding some types of waste in your toilets, garbage disposal and sinks can damage your plumbing system. And fixing that damage gets expensive very quickly. Don’t believe us? Flush things that aren’t meant to be flushed and you could have a backup or overflow on your hands. Washing items or liquids down a sink can have similar consequences in the form of slow, clogged drains.

5 Signs You Need Drain Cleaning

Your drain system is the heart of your family’s sanitation needs. It allows you to shower, clean dishes, eliminate waste, and get fresh drinking water right from the tap. But what happens when your drain system isn’t performing? You need to call the professionals at Windy City Rooter to schedule a drain cleaning. There are 5 telltale signs that you’re in need of a drain cleaning this year.

10 Warning Signs of a Drain/Sewer Problem

Although maintaining a fully functioning drain system is a vital element to the upkeep of any home, this luxury is often taken for granted. Indeed, the literal lifeblood of any home, although most people discount the vitality of maintaining a functioning drain system, its importance becomes evident just moments after it begins to malfunction. Rather than waiting until you are forced to endure mishaps such as leaking, frequent clogging, and more, the following is an overview of 10 warning signs that you have a drain or sewage system issue.

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